Saturday, April 24, 2010

Character Profile #4 - Earl Alexis

Name: Alexis Hargreaves
Age: (Estimated) 42
Rank: Earl; Cardmaster
Father: Known only as 'Grandfather' and 'Godfather' to Cain.
Mother: /
Wife: Lenora (Deceased)
Son(s): Jizabel (26) and Cain (17)
Sister: Augusta Hargreaves (Deceased
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Eye Colour: Green
Hobbies: Experimenting with 'deadly dolls' to try and revive his fallen lover.
Dark Secret: He was married to Lenora, who bore him no children, but had Cain with Augusta after she seduced him. He also had an unnamed mistress, with whom he had Jizabel and two daughters. He killed his two daughters and mistress and put his daughters organs inside Jizabel's body.
Love Interest: Unnamed Mistress; Lenora; Augusta Hargreaves
Other: Cain poisoned his pipe when Cain was ten, but not knowing enough about poisons Cain didn't succeed. Alexis stumbled off a balcony and supposedly drowned. He was thought dead for 7 years, but instead was creating his secret society 'Delilah' and planning the end of England.

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